The outputs from ReBUILD's collaborative work on gender in post-conflict health systems has now been developed into 'Building Back Better' - a set of resources on gender in post-conflict health systems.
The resource was launched a special event held in Liverpool earlier this week, with presentations from the ReBUILD's team and partners followed by discussion of issues raised.
The Building Back Better e-resource outlines the particular problems and challenges of addressing gender in these contexts, and the way that different actors can start being part of the solution. A set of policy briefs address key issues on this theme, with four supporting country case studies.
Two policy briefs address how health sector reform after conflict can support gender equity, and how humanitarian responses to health can adequately take gender into account.
Four additional briefs present country case studies from Timor Leste, Sierra Leone, Mozambique and northern Uganda.
This work was done in collaboration with the Gender Working Group of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Global Health and Security Programme, led by Associate Professor Valerie Percival at Carleton University, Canada