The fourth annual lecture in a series dedicated to distinguished LSTM alumnus, Professor A. C. Ikeme, was held on Wednesday 16th November 2017 in Jos, Nigeria. Professor Ikeme obtained the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H) at LSTM in 1960.
Professor Ikeme was the first Nigerian physician to be formally trained in cardiology, and he went on to have an outstanding career in academic medicine. He became the very first Professor of Medicine at the University of Jos, then the first Chief Medical Director, and finally the foundation Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences there.

Another LSTM alumnus, Dr Samson Ejiji Isa, has been involved in the lectures, and acted as chair for the third, delivered in November 2016; Dr Isa studied the MSc in Tropical Infectious Diseases here at LSTM.
Professor Ikeme has happily been able to attend all four of the lectures in his honour, and this most recent was a great success. The lecture was titled ‘The Metabolic Syndrome: A cardiovascular and endocrine disorder’ was delivered by Prof F.H Puepet, a foremost endocrinologist in Nigeria. The lecture focused on the molecular link between metabolic and heart/blood vessel disorders and how they manifest themselves in patients. Recommendations regarding prevention and treatment were also proffered.