Thursday 15th June 2023
Professor Manish Pareek
Clinical Professor in Infectious Diseases
University of Leicester
Speaker: Professor Manish Pareek graduated from the University of Birmingham with Honours in Medicine and undertook general medical training before completing an academic specialist training programme in Infectious Diseases and General Medicine in Leicester and London funded by the NIHR and MRC. At present he is Chair and Honorary Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the University of Leicester and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. He has international expertise in developing and delivering public health research programmes in infectious diseases, migrant health and ethnic minority health.
Topic: Tuberculosis in high-income countries continues to disproportionately affect certain groups - particularly migrants. In this talk Professor Pareek will outline the drivers for the disproportionate rates of TB in migrant communities, what methods have been historically used to address this increased risk before focusing on emerging data on how best to screen for active and latent TB infection and how it links into wider migrant health programmes.