LSTM Seminar: Dr Jahangir Khan on 'Health Economic Research Needs for Achieving Universal Health Coverage: Empirical Evidence and Way Forward'

Event 23 Sep 2019

The presentation will deal with the concepts of economics for universal health coverage (UHC) and research-based evidence (empirical and methodological) about the current status and progress in some low- and middle-income countries. The potential contributions from research in general and from LSTM research in particular to the journey towards UHC will be discussed.  

Dr. Jahangir A. M. Khan is a Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at the Department of International Public Health in LSTM. He is an Affiliated Researcher at Karolinska Institutet of Sweden and an Adjunct Professor of James P Grant School of Public Health of Brac University in Bangladesh. His current research at LSTM deals with economics of neglected tropical diseases, snakebites, lung health and heart diseases, sepsis, prebiotics and symbiotic in infants and impact assessment of health voucher scheme and micro-health insurance scheme. He is also involved in health economics capacity building at LSTM and beyond.

Dr. Khan was the Head of Health Economics Unit of the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b). His research deals mainly with the economics of health systems, healthcare financing and economic evaluations of health interventions. He was a focal person for developing the first-ever healthcare financing strategy of Bangladesh and his research evidence were adopted by the Government of Bangladesh in their Universal Health Coverage monitoring tools and by the World Health Organization in the ‘Health Financing Profile of Bangladesh – 2017’. Khan is interested to bring forward his research on the economics of health systems and universal health coverage involving clinical and public health research evidence, but not limited within. 


This seminar will be recorded and livestreamed