Impala at 2019 Union World Conference on Lung Health - Hyderabad, India

Event 7 Oct 2019

The 50th Union World Conference on Lung Health is the world’s largest gathering of clinicians and public health workers, policymakers, researchers and advocates working to end the suffering caused by lung disease worldwide.

Union Code Session Title Name Abstract Title Location Date Time
SP-08-B7 Lung health and well-being after TB Brian Allwood Burden of disease Novotel Ballroom 31.10.2019 10:45-11:00
SP-08-B7  Lung health and well-being after TB Uzochukwu Egere Integrated approaches to post-TB management Novotel Ballroom 31.10.2019 11:30-11:45
OA-04-D3 Addressing the lung health emergency in adults and children: from epidemiology to intervention Uzochukwu Egere Access to healthcare for patients with chronic lung disease is sub-optimal in sub-Saharan Africa: findings from a health systems analysis in Sudan and Tanzania Novotel Ballroom 31.10.2019 14:00-15:30
SP-19-B7 Asthma: an emerging threat to health across the life course  Refiloe Masekela  Asthma in African children: the South African perspective  MR 2.03 & 2.04  31.10.2019 14:00-14:20
SP-19-B7 Asthma: an emerging threat to health across the life course  Jonathan Grigg Bronchiolitis and asthma: emerging links MR 2.03 & 2.04  31.10.2019 14:40-15:00
SP-31-C7 Ending the socio-economic emergency for TB-affected households by improving...  Tom Wingfield Developing a locally appropriate socio-economic support package for TB-affected households in Nepal MR G.05 & G.06 01.11.2019 11:00-11:15
SP-45-B2 MDR-TB operational research on oral regimens: spectrum of approaches and… Stellah Mpagama RISE-TZ, (r)emoved (i)njectable modified (s)hort-course regimens for (e)xpert MDR-TB: programmatic feasibility and clinical effectiveness in Tanzania Hall 5 01.11.2019 16:30-16:45
SPS A Breathless Child: Calling time on Deaths from Asthma and Pneumonia  Innes Asher To Provide an update on optimising diagnosis in LMIC, gold standard approach to in- and out-patient treatment in LMIC settings, challenges of treatment in children (use of spacers etc) and modifying factors such as air pollution, smoking, prematurity, RSV infection, obesity, allergy, asthma phenotypes Hall 2 02.11.2019 12:15 - 13:15 
SP-63-B7 Fighting to breathe: living with asthma, COPD and chronic respiratory disease Brian Allwood Post-TB sequelae MR 1.01 & 1.02 02.11.2019 14:20-14:40
SP-63-B7 Fighting to breathe: living with asthma, COPD and chronic respiratory disease Asma El Sony Be He@lthy, Be Mobile WHO initiative for CRDs: experiences and challenges - the way forward MR 1.01 & 1.02 02.11.2019 14:40-15:00
SP-63-B7 Fighting to breathe: living with asthma, COPD and chronic respiratory disease Kevin Mortimer Global state of COPD and asthma: the need for an holistic approach  MR 1.01 & 1.02 02.11.2019 15:00-15:20
Union Code Session Title Name Location Day Time



SP-08-B7 Lung health and well-being after TB Jamilah Meghji Novotel Ballroom Thursday 10:30-12:00  31.10.2019
OA-02-D8 Modelling in the fight against TB Bertrand Mbatchou MR G.01 & G.02 Thursday 10:30-12:00 31.10.2019
EP-04-D6 TB epidemiology and prevention interventions Brian Allwood E-Poster Area Thursday 12:15-13:15 31.10.2019
SP-19-B7 Asthma: an emerging threat to health across the life course  Kevin Mortimer MR 2.03 & 2.04 Thursday 14:00-15:30  31.10.2019
OA-18-C1 TB Infection control and prevention across households, hospitals, workplaces, and prisons Irene Ayakaka,
Bertie Squire
MR 1.01 & 1.02 Friday 14:00-15:30  01.11.2019
SP-65-C8 Reaching the missing men: strategies to improve men's access to TB diagnosis and treatment Bertie Squire MR 1.05 & 1.06 Saturday 14:00-15:30  02.11.2019
SPS A Breathless Child: Calling time on Deaths from Asthma and Pneumonia  Rebecca Nantanda Hall 2 Saturday 12:15 - 13:15  02.11.2019
PS-37-D6 Preventing disease: a focus on LTBI and transmission avoidance Bertrand Mbatchou Hall 3 - Poster Area Saturday 12:45 - 13:45 02.11.2019
SP-63-B7 Fighting to breathe: living with asthma, COPD and chronic respiratory disease Asma El Sony,
Jamie Rylance
MR 1.01 & 1.02 Saturday 14:00-15:30  02.11.2019
Union Code Session Title Name Location Day Time  
Community Connect Lung Health: The Big Five  Martina Savio
Elly Wallis
Community Connect Thur, Fri, Sat & Sun 9am-5pm daily TBC