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3rd virtual Symposium on Global Health Research and Vaccination

Event 27 May 2020

Please join us for LSTM's 3rd virtual symposium on Global Health Research & Vaccination in the aftermath of the UK government hosting of Gavi's third donor pledging conference on 4 June 2020

Speakers, presentations and panelists from global organisations, academia and industry.

More information on the programme to be released soon. Registration via events@lstmed.ac.uk (link sends e-mail)

Missed the first virtual symposium? You can read about it and watch it here (news article), here (blog entry) and here (answers to audience questions, which could not be answered during the live stream)

A report and recording of the 2nd virtual symposium can be found here(link is external)(opens in a new tab)



Opening remarks




Introduction to panel




Rapid development and validation of diagnostic tests for COVID-19




Exploring opportunities for evidence translation and use to promote partnership with the private sector




Private sector engagement for development of new tools


Panellists discussion and reflection on presentation and responses to questions




Closing remarks