I am a programme specialist, working specifically on health systems strengthening programmes. I enrolled for the M.Sc. Global Health with LSTM in September 2019, and have since then been studying alongside a diverse group of professionals.
Learning and sharing experiences with my mates and colleagues via different collaborative platforms has greatly enhanced my understanding of contemporary global health issues. I have equally improved on my technical abilities and gained commendable skills in public health practice. While reflecting on the modules delivered thus far, I realize that I have become better at what I do, both as an individual and when working with teams. I have developed leadership, teamwork, analytical thinking and most especially research skills that have enabled me to take on leadership positions in a wide range of health-related environments with confidence.
One of such environments is the ongoing global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I oversee different programs within my organization. As a member of the senior leadership team in my country office, I represent my organization within the high-level discussion spheres of the Ministry of Health, the principal counterpart and beneficiary to our programmes and interventions in the country. With the knowledge gained from the M.Sc. Global Health at LSTM, I contribute in influencing policy decisions around key COVID-19 response pillars including case management, logistics and supply chain, community sensitization, and more importantly in helping the Ministry of Health ensure the continuation of essential health services at primary, secondary and tertiary care levels.
Due to the constantly changing international development and global health landscape, my desire is to continue learning and improving on those skills that enable navigate my way through the evolving times. This I belief will be achieved upon completion of the M.Sc. Global Health at LSTM. Only then, would I have gained the confidence and tenacity required to influence global efforts aimed at improving the health and safety of vulnerable populations worldwide.
For more information about our online MSc Global Health programme, please visit https://www.lstmed.ac.uk/study/courses/global-health