Dr Charlie Easmon came to LSTM in 1995 to study the famous Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, after training as St George’s Hospital Medical School and performing his medical elective in Ghana.
Following his time at LSTM, Charlie went on to work in a range of settings around the world, including NGOs such as Save the Children and Merlin, and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office as Medical Director. More recently, Charlie’s interest has turned towards mental and occupational health in the corporate setting, and he has a wealth of experience into the impact of stress on staff working conditions. Charlie is currently CEO and Medical Director at Your Excellent Health Service, providing occupational and mental health services to top London companies, as well as more day-to-day family medicine.
Charlie is also the Co-Founder of Global Health Action Strategies and Solutions (GHASS), established to provide effective and rapid independent response to global disasters.
Q. Why did you choose to study the DTM&H at LSTM?
Because it is word famous as a ‘field’ school for Tropical Medicine, and it lived up to its reputation with great lecturers who had worked in fascinating places.
Q. How did your study here impact upon your future?
It gave me a never-ending interest in global health and the solutions. A keen interest in field not just academic work.
Q. What is your proudest achievement?
Setting up a safe refugee camp for 12000 people in Rwanda when I was working for Merlin. It was inter-NGO team work with a great team. We used all our knowledge to avoid another Goma.
Q. What advice would you give to our current students?
To enjoy the course and learn from each other. Go explore the role and contribute what you can when you can.