Dr Nadia Fazal

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Nadia's research interests in global health are centred around capacity strengthening, fostering equitable partnerships, and decolonial approaches. She also has a background in health promotion, and a strong interest in community arts-based methods – including the role of film and collaborative mural-painting in global health promotion practice and research.

Nadia's current research activities are linked to the Centre for Capacity Research (CCR) and are focused on health capacity strengthening initiatives across the African Region. Nadia is the capacity strengthening lead of LSTM's Gates Foundation-funded project focused on eliminating Trypanosomiasis (HAT) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). She is also involved in research activities related to the Wellcome Trust's International Funding for Research Culture (IFRC) grant, a project focused on addressing research capacity gaps that perpetuate power imbalances between the Global North and Global South. Through this IFRC project, Nadia works directly with four partner research institutes in Malawi, Kenya, Cameroon and Zimbabwe. Nadia is also part of the Decolonising Working Group (DWG) at LSTM and is committed to supporting LSTM's work in reflecting on its own history in order to act to address the continuing impacts of colonial legacies.

Nadia is currently involved in the Global Health MSc programme – in teaching activities (core modules of 'DLTROP309 Health Promotion and Health Protection' and 'DLTROP303 Leadership in Health Systems Management'), as well as dissertation supervision (research focused on decolonial approaches in global health). She is also a Visiting Faculty Member at the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE) in Rwanda, in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, and is interested in further strengthening institutional links and equitable partnerships between UGHE and LSTM.