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Dr Martha J. Chinouya

Director of Global Health Studies, Senior Lecturer

I have experience in global health practices, research and education and currently working as Director of online Global Health Studies with students working in various settings as part of the global health workforce. I have conducted and led research on topics that include childhoods, migration, health and ethnicity and worked with multi-disciplinary teams exploring lung/respiratory health. I currently supervise postgraduate students including PhDs using qualitative methodologies. I have published widely in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and a book on the African diaspora in Britain. I also have interest in decolonising global health practices including education and developing innovative teaching practices for the global health workforce - students combing work with studies.

I have been working with qualitative researchers and PhD students on various topics that include lung/respiratory health, antimicrobial resistance, identities and sexual health. I also have an interests in migration and health.

I lead the development and teaching of the online Global Health Programme as the Director of Studies. I am module leader for the Global Health module, Qualitative Research in global health module and the Dissertation module. I co-lead the Research methods module and the Global health within local context module. I supervise MSc dissertation and PhD students.

Further relevant expertise, professional memberships, awards
Associate Editor: Health and Ethnicity

Selected publications

  • Stolbrink M, Chinouya MJ, Jayasooriya S, Nightingale R, Evans-Hill L, Allan K, Allen H, Balen J, Beacon T, Bissell K, Chakaya J, Chiang CY, Cohen M, Devereux G, El Sony A, Halpin DMG, Hurst JR, Kiprop C, Lawson A, Macé C, Makhanu A, Makokha P, Masekela R, Meme H, Khoo EM, Nantanda R, Pasternak S, Perrin C, Reddel H, Rylance S, Schweikert P, Were C, Williams S, Winders T, Yorgancioglu A, Marks GB, Mortimer K. (2022) Improving access to affordable quality-assured inhaled medicines in low- and middle-income countries. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2022 Nov 1;26(11):1023-1032. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.22.0270. PMID: 36281039; PMCID: PMC9621306.

    Saleh S, Sambakunsi H, Makina D, Kumwenda M, Rylance J, Chinouya M, Mortimer K. (2022) "We threw away the stones": a mixed method evaluation of a simple cookstove intervention in Malawi. Wellcome Open Res. 2022;7 52. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17544.3. PMID: 35330615; PMCID: PMC8933645.

    Saleh, S., Sambakunsi, H., Mortimer, K., Morton, B., Kumwenda, M., Rylance, J., & Chinouya, M. (2021). Exploring smoke: an ethnographic study of air pollution in rural Malawi. BMJ Global Health, 6(6), e004970.

    Njoroge, K.M., Cattan, M., Chinouya, M. and Ahlberg, B.M., 2022. Women as Agents of Change: Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention in Kenya. Sexuality & Culture, 26(3), pp.1074-1089.

    Madziva, C and Chinouya, M (2022) 'Remote Fieldwork With African Migrant Women During COVID-19 Pandemic in London: A Reflection'. Frontiers in Sociology, Vol 7, p. 788180.

    Madziva, C. and Chinouya, M.J., 2020. Clay ingestion during pregnancy among black African women in a north london borough: understanding cultural meanings, integrating indigenous and biomedical knowledge systems. Frontiers in Sociology, 5, p.20.

    Chinouya, M. J., & Madziva, C. (2019). Late booking amongst African women in a London borough, England: implications for health promotion. Health promotion international, 34(1), 123-132.

    Chinouya, M.J., and Adeyanju, O (2017) A disease called stigma: the experience of stigma among African men with TB diagnosis in London. Public Health 145 (2017): 45-50.

    Madziva, C., & Chinouya, M. (2017). ‘This word volunteer is killing us’: Making sense of volunteering in social welfare provision for orphans and vulnerable children in rural Zimbabwe. International Social Work, 60(5), 1126-1140.

    Aspinall, P. J., & Chinouya, M. J. (2016). African Diaspora Population in Britain. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Aspinall, P, and Chinouya. M. (2008) "Is the standardised term ‘Black African’useful in demographic and health research in the United Kingdom?." Ethnicity and health 13, no. 3: 183-202.