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Dr Andy South

Research Associate

I work at the interface between biology, research and software, starting with LSTM while a freelance R consultant. I'm very keen on R, data visualisation and open-source software.
Previously I've worked at the government fisheries advisers, Cefas, developing tools to access and display spatial data and for a research spinout company developing software for analysing animal tracking data. These followed a biology degree at UEA and PhD combining spatial simulation and GIS at Newcastle.


Simulating the evolution of insecticide resistance
I'm working with Ian Hastings, supported by IVCC, developing population genetic simulations of the evolution of insecticide resistance under different management strategies such as insecticide mixtures and rotations. This includes developing web user interfaces aimed at improving understanding of the evolution of insecticide resistance.

Training in Geographic Information for Vector surveillance
I'm developing and delivering training courses targeted at operational vector-control staff with Sophie Dunkley, Michelle Stanton and Mike Coleman. As a part of the GIVeS program we've delivered these courses, initially in Latin America and the Caribbean, centred on the sustainable use of free and open-source software such as QGIS and Open Data Kit.

Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute