The ongoing work of Geoff Gill and Meg Parkes has culminated in the recent release of the book Captive Memories, with quotes from all interviewees providing a fascinating history underpinned with eyewitness accounts and personal perspectives. It charts the history of this enduring relationship from the experiences that led to initial clinical consultations through the impact upon modern medical science.
Along with the book, the pair co-chaired an international FEPOW history research conference in Liverpool – Far East Explored: 70 years on and Meg Parkes remains involved in an ongoing Education programme, working to ensure that the voices of those involved are not forgotten.
The book is available for purchase at LSTM, through good book sellers and direct from the publishers. Any profits made from its sale will be reinvested into further development of the project.
Captive Memories
Price: £12.99
Imprint: Palatine Books
ISBN: 978-1-910837-00-9
Binding: paperback
Extent: 272 pages
Format: 243 x 169mm, with flaps
Illustrations: c40
BIC code: HBWQ
Category: history/war/medicine
Audience: general and academic
Pub date: 28 May 2015
Authors: Meg Parkes & Geoff Gill