The LSTM Equality and Diversity strategy and is set out over four key themes. Each theme is supported by a detailed action plan, monitored by the Equality & Diversity Committee’.
Leadership and Governance
We operate in accordance with the Committee of University Chairs Code of Governance to ensure that the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and public sector equality duties are at the heart of leadership, governance and decision-making. |
Student Experience |
We provide safe, inclusive and welcoming environments for on-campus and off-campus students to learn and achieve. |
Employment |
We continue to build upon our commitment to maintaining a highly skilled and diverse workforce that delivers the business aims of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. We provide a safe, dignified working environment where people are treated with respect and equality of opportunity is central to all aspects of Human Resource management including recruitment and selection, training, promotion and pay. |
Procurement and Partnerships
We ensure our commitment to equality is maintained as we work with partners and contractors to deliver our business aims and ensure that the supply chain supports the aims and values of LSTM. |
In particular, this strategy supports LSTM to
- operate equitably and efficiently in a diverse society and increasingly internationalised global environment
- comply with UK anti-discrimination and human rights laws and embed our values into all activities, functions and ethos, a clear commitment to equality and diversity
- maintain our reputation for excellence, innovation and high ethical standards
- attract and retain talented people and support them to develop their potential in a positive culture where everyone feels welcome, respected and valued