Telephone advice
This 24 hour, 365 days a year service is available to doctors seeking a specialist opinion on patients with imported disease. Please telephone 0151 705 3100 from Mon-Fri 0900-1700 or through the Royal Liverpool University Hospital switchboard on 0151 706 2000 at all other times.
The tropical out-patient clinic
The tropical out-patient clinic is situated within the Well Travelled Clinics at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and is supported by a diagnostic laboratory. Specialist clinicians hold regular NHS out-patients clinics; appointments for these clinics are by General Practitioner referral only.
Referrals can be faxed, FAO: Tropical Diseases Consultant on fax number: 0151 705 3365 or emailed to ahn-tr.liverpooltropicalclinics@nhs.net
Guidance on COVID-19 (coronavirus)
Healthcare professionals are advised to follow Public Health England's guidance:
- PHE advice
- Department of Health advice (updates daily)
Further information on COVID-19:
- BMJ Best Practice
- Information on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), incl assessment and management of suspected UK cases
- Coronaviruses in general (incl open access links to MERS and SARS)
LSTM diagnostic laboratory provides an emergency same day service for patients needing to be screened for malaria. Health professionals wanting to arrange a test should telephone the clinic for an appointment on 0151 705 3223.
Post exposure to rabies
All travellers with a possible exposure to rabies should be discussed with the clinical team. Post exposure treatment is available free on the NHS at the Well Travelled clinic at LSTM, by prior arrangement – ring us on 0151 705 3223 to arrange to come in for post-exposure rabies vaccines.
You can get more information from Public Health England here: Post Exposure Rabies