LQAS Generic Toolkit
The following tools were developed in collaboration with UNICEF to support the planning, carrying out and analysis of LQAS surveys. They focus on maternal and child health and include:
- Sampling frame calculator, detailed implementation plan and budget template to help plan your survey.
- Indicator lists and seven modular generic questionnaires for maternal and child health and community health workers that you can adapt for your survey
- Hand tabulation sheets for each of the questionnaires and a standard reporting format to help you analyse your survey
The tools are open for all to use or freely adapt. We would very much like to thank Dr Theresa Diaz, Nick Oliphant and the Knowledge Management and Implementation Research Unit in the Health Section at UNICEF New York. The sampling frame calculator was adapted from an original model by John Marsden and Tom Davis at Food for the Hungry. French versions are available here
LQAS Generic Household Survey Tools
This section includes an indicator list and six questionnaires to collect the data. The questionnaires are modular so they can be easily adapted to project requirements. Also included are tabulation tables to process the data collected in the questionnaires; one for the Supervision Area level analysis, and a summary sheet for analysis at the district level.
- LQAS 0-5 Months Questionnaire Generic
- LQAS 0-5 Mois Questionnaire Generique (Francais)
- LQAS 0-59 Months Questionnaire Generic
- LQAS 0-59 Mois Questionnaire Generique (Francais)
- LQAS 0-59 Months With Diarrhoea Questionnaire Generic
- LQAS 0-59 Mois Questionnaire avec Diarrhee Generique (Francais)
- LQAS 0-59 Months With Fever Questionnaire Generic
- LQAS 0-59 Months With Pneumonia Questionnaire Generic
- LQAS 0-59 Mois Avec Pneumonie Questionnaire Generique (Francais)
- LQAS 12-23 Months Questionnaire Generic
- LQAS 12-23 Mois Questionnaire Generique (Francais)
- LQAS Generic Questionnaire Cover Sheet