Jose Dominguez Benitez

Principal Investigator: HIV-TB in One

-  BSc in Biological Sciences (1993). Universitat de Barcelona. Spain.

-  MSc (1996) and PhD in Clinical Microbiology (2000). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

-  Post-doctoral stage in the Respiratory & Systemic Infection Laboratory, Health Protection Agency (Collindale, UK) working in molecular methods for TB resistance detection.

-  Associated Professor of Microbiology. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

-  We have been working in the last 20 years in the development and evaluation of methods for the diagnosis of respiratory tract infections and TB (>100 publications).

-  For the past last years my focus has been on the use of IGRAs, genotyping methods, and molecular drug-resistance detection tests.

-  I have received grants from National (Health Spanish Ministry) and International (EDCTP and FP7) Agencies.

-  Member of the SC of the TB Research Programme of Spanish Society of Pulmonology

Recent publications: 

Molina-Moya B, Agonafir M, Blanco S, Dacombe R, Gomgnimbou MK, Spinasse L, Gomes-Fernandes M, Datiko DG, Edwards T, Cuevas LE*, Dominguez J*, Sola C* (* Co-Seniors) Microbead-based spoligotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Ziehl-Neelsen-stained microscopy preparations in Ethiopia.Scientific Reports, 2018 5;8(1):3987.doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22071-9

Molina-Moya B, Gomgnimbou M, Spinasse L, Refrégier G, Dacombe R, Cuevas LE, Lawson L, Abdurrahman ST, Obasanya J, Dominguez J, Sola C Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex genotypes circulating in Nigeria based on spoligotyping from Ziehl-Neelsen stained slides extract DNA. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2018 Feb 15;12(2):e0006242. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006242.

Molina-Moya B, Gomgnimbou MK, Lafoz C, Lacoma A, Prat C, Refrégier G, Samper S, Dominguez J*, Sola C. (* corresponding author) Molecular characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains with TB-SPRINT Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2017 Sep;97(3):806-809. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0782. Epub 2017 Jul 19.

Altet N*, Latorre I*, Jiménez-Fuentes MA, Maldonado J, Molina I, González-Díaz Y, Milà C, García-García E, Muriel B, Villar-Hernández R, Laabei M, Gómez AC, Godoy P, De Souza-Galvão ML, Solano S, Jiménez-Ruiz CA, Dominguez J, and the PII Smoking SEPAR Working Group (* Co-authors) Assessment of the Influence of Direct Tobacco Smoke on Infection and Active TB Management PLoS ONE 2017 12(8): e0182998. doi:

Latorre I, Mínguez S, Carrascosa JM, Naves J, Villar-Hernández R, Muriel B, Prat C, García-García E, Domènech E, Ferrándiz C, Mateo L, Domínguez J Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases differently affect IGRAs’ performance for latent tuberculosis infection diagnosis in clinical practice174998188 PLoS ONE  2017 12(12): e0189202. doi: