Diagnostic Evaluation
The diagnostic team in LSTM has extensive experience of engaging with industry and bringing products to market.
This ranges from point-of-care diagnostics such as rapid-diagnostic-tests (RDTs) to simplified molecular diagnostics that can be used at the community level. We have worked on a range of targets including emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and neglected tropical diseases.
We are currently working in partnership with industry to develop rapid tests to detect the presence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and to validate these alongside the current best practice. We are working with live virus so undertake sensitivity and specificity testing. The team also provides the UK’s evaluation site for Foundation for Innovative Diagnostics (FIND) and on a local level is undertaking diagnostic element of the region’s Household surveillance study (COVID-LIV).

Opportunities to Engage
The team can help your innovation and at any stage of your diagnostic development from designing the appropriate specifications to supporting prototype development and end-stage evaluation. We can help identify the best sample types, optimise components and test alongside industry standards.

Ways we could help:
- Define target performance specifications
- Prototype development
- Sensitivity analysis
- Live virus testing
- ELISA, RDT and molecular test formats
- Alpha and beta testing for diagnostics in our Cat 2 and 3 laboratories.
- Enable field testing in community settings to reference laboratory situations.
- Independent assessment and validation of diagnostic tests to enable CE marking