Achievements of Women in Science & Inspiring the next generation

Event 3 May 2018

LSTM is celebrating the achievements of women in health-related sciences.

Showcasing the work of speakers from across academia, pharmaceuticals, industry and media.  


The event will also provide an open discussion platform for careers advice and potential solutions to gender equity issues in the workplace.

The conference will feature 3 speaker sessions followed by panel discussions (academia, industry and “stomping out stereotypes”).

Registration is free, however due to limited spaces please BOOK tickets here:

Can't attend? Follow the event via the livestream on the day itself:


9:30 am


10:00 am

Opening session


Ms Tabitha Morton, Liverpool mayoral candidate 2017

Ms Cecilia Hart, LSTM Equality and Diversity officer

10:30 am

Academic session


Prof. Sarah Cleveland, Comparative Epidemiology

Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow


Prof. Nynke van den Broek, CMNH

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine


Dr Zen Lewis, School of Life Sciences

University of Liverpool


11:30 am

Panel Discussion 1

12:00 pm


1:00 pm

Industry session


Dr Sarah Rees, Public Health Portfolio Manager, LSTM

Dr Karen Whiting, Global Head of New Product Development, BBI solutions

Felicity Thomas, Editor of European Pharmaceutical Manufacturer magazine

Elsa Zekeng, PhD student, UoL and Co-Founder of Northwest Biotech Initiative


Panel Discussion 2

3:00 pm


3:30 pm

Stomping out stereotypes”


Professor Deidre Hollingsworth, NTD modelling consortium, University of Oxford

Maddie Brasier, PhD student, Antarctic exploration, UoL

Aislinn Currie-Jordan, PhD student on “Drones and breeding sites”, LSTM

Rachel Clare, PhD student on “Robots at work”, LSTM

4:30 pm

Panel Discussion 3

5:00 pm

Closing speech

LSTM director Janet Hemingway

5:15 pm

PGR social