This is Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) Group’s statement for the financial year 2020-21
Introduction from the Director of LSTM
Since the publication of our first statement in 2017, LSTM has worked towards building a strong foundation to work from to contribute to the global fight against slavery and human trafficking. This statement is designed to satisfy the requirements of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, by informing members, staff, and public stakeholders about LUPC and its policy with respect to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced and bonded labour and labour rights violations in its supply chains and the steps taken to identify, prevent and mitigate the risks.
1. Organisation’s Structure
LSTM, founded in 1898, is the oldest school of tropical medicine in the world and is an internationally recognised centre of excellence for teaching and research in tropical diseases. The LSTM Group consists of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, comprising of academic departments, research centres, administrative departments and libraries; African based NGO’s; consulting partners through LSTM Consulting; IVCC, researching the control of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue; Well Travelled Clinics Ltd; and LSTM Foundation India.
Our staff operate on an international scale researching and delivering life saving techniques in tropical medicine.
The LSTM Modern Slavery Working group consists of members from different disciplines across the organisation. The group work to make recommendations on preventing and addressing modern slavery within the LSTM Group and supply chain. Decisions and recommendations are shared with staff, students and partners throughout the LSTM Group.
2. Our Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking
LSTM Group Modern Slavery policy (available at has been updated this year in line with the guidance provided through the Modern Slavery Assessment tool from UK.Gov. The changes reflect LSTM’s continued work towards combatting modern slavery and human trafficking. Through the updated policy we have broadened the expectations for our supply chain partners as well as being more explicit on reporting and responding to incidents of modern slavery. Over the coming 12 months we aim to increase the volume of LSTM staff undertaking the Modern Slavery course and further develop LSTM staff awareness of modern slavery issues and risks.
Our Modern Slavery policy is actively promoted to all new suppliers joining our supply chain. New suppliers are invited to complete our Modern Slavery Awareness form during the onboarding process. Supplier’s indicating low awareness of their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act are invited to learn more through LSTM internal training, discussion with Procurement professionals and directed to online resources provided by UK government and other sources.
3. Due Diligence Process for Slavery and Human Trafficking
The LSTM Due Diligence process is extensive and is used by our Research, Fundraising and Procurement teams. The process includes specific questions regarding Modern Slavery awareness and compliance with the Modern Slavery Act alongside other legislative requirements such as Money Laundering, Criminal Finance and the Bribery Act. This year, the team have worked on identifying any gaps in the existing processes and are in the process of assessing the risks posed by any gaps. Any risks that cannot be mitigated will be highlighted to LSTM senior management and the Modern Slavery Working group will work on ways to mitigate these in the future. The RMS team continue to work on using the Delta eSourcing portal ( to carry out the due diligence process electronically.
4. Risk Assessment
LSTM Supply Chain - Suppliers
Over the past 12 months, the procurement team have introduced regular modern slavery reviews into procurement practice. The team meet on a quarterly basis to discuss relevant contracts, progress against policy or procedure changes and any other topics of relevance. A deep interrogation of our top 10 suppliers’ (by spend) modern slavery statements has been undertaken over the last 12 months. Where information was not available publicly this has been challenged with suppliers, and good practice and examples have been shared with relevant stakeholders and where possible adopted into LSTM action plans.
In addition to this, we are now monitoring the supply chain awareness of modern slavery issues through a simple questionnaire issued to all new suppliers added to our Finance System. This questionnaire aims to assess current supply chain awareness and identify areas to develop with suppliers. From the responses received so far, 100% of respondents have indicated they are aware of their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act, but 30% of suppliers had not taken any steps to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in their supply chains. This has given us a good indicator as to where to direct training in the future. Through our contract management processes we will address these concerns with our key suppliers.
5. Measuring Our Effectiveness in Combating Slavery and Human Trafficking
Key Performance Indicators were identified in our statement last year. These are monitored on a quarterly basis by the LSTM Modern Slavery Working Group.
Theme |
Measurement |
2020-21 |
KPI1 |
Risk |
Monitor the number of policies on the new template. |
0 |
KPI2 |
Policies |
Number of incidents reported |
0 |
KPI3 |
Response time to respond to incident report |
n/a |
KPI4 |
Training |
Monitor number of staff trained |
12 |
6. Training and Capacity Building
To ensure appropriate levels or risk awareness in respect of modern slavery and human trafficking, all Directors in the organisation have been briefed on the subject. Specific training has been undertaken by LSTM Modern Slavery Group members and our Head of Procurement undertakes the annual CIPS Ethical Procurement and Supply course and certificate to stay up to date. All staff have access to our Public Interest Disclosure and Whistleblowing code of practice through the LSTM Policy Hub.
This statement is made to pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2014 and constitutes LSTM’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year 2020-21.
Approved by Board of Directors on 1st November 2021.
Signed by LSTM Director