Project Support - Providing technical assistance and support for bespoke capacity strengthening programme design, implementation and evaluation.
Capacity strengthening activities are often integrated into larger, subject-specific research or development projects led by organisations with specialist knowledge in the relevant subject area (e.g. malaria control), but with limited capacity strengthening expertise. In such cases, the Capacity Research Unit can provide specialist technical assistance to inform bespoke capacity strengthening programme design, implementation and evaluation. Recent examples include: completion of a rapid needs assessment in four Ethiopian Universities in support of a London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) research programme designed to promote Ethiopian excellence in public health evaluation; support in the development of a health systems-focused research centre at the College of Medical and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone and support to LSTM’s COUNTDOWN and REACHOUT projects.
The form and level of technical assistance provided varies according to the needs of each project and may vary from a simple desk review to leading the design, implementation and evaluation of specified capacity strengthening activities over a multi-year period. Through these types of project partnerships, the CRU has developed broad, in-depth experience in a wide range of capacity strengthening related activities across multiple low- and middle-income countries as well as an ever-expanding understanding of what works well (and not so well) in different contexts. Wherever possible, the CRU endeavours to publish the outcomes and experiences of these capacity strengthening partnerships (in both academic and non-academic forums) to advance current understanding of best practice in the fledgling capacity strengthening field.
For further information on past or current partnership projects, or to enquire about potential partnership opportunities, please contact CRU’s Programmes Manager, Lorelei Silvester