Dr Michael BJ Beadsworth

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Deputy Chief of Service Royal Liverpool University Hospital (RLUH), Liverpool.
Clinical Director Specialist and Academic Medicine, RLUH
Clinical Lead, Infectious Diseases, Clinical Pharmacology, Tropical Medicine and Sexual Health.
Clinical Lead Regional Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis service, RLUH.
Consultant Infectious Diseases/Tropical Medicine/General Internal Medicine (GIM), RLUH.
2010: Hon Sen Lecturer, University of Liverpool.
2006: Hon Clin Fellow, Liverpool School Tropical Medicine.
Honorary Consultant PHE.

I am an NHS appointed accredited consultant in Infectious Diseases, Tropical medicine and General Internal Medicine, in the Royal Liverpool University Hospital’s tropical and infectious diseases unit (TIDU), since 2007. I am also an honorary senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool (Clinical Pharmacology) and an honorary clinical Fellow in the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.

I am clinical director of specialist and academic medicine, including TIDU, Respiratory, Endocrine, Diabetes and Clinical Chemistry. I co-lead development and management of the RLUBHT ‘surge’ centre since 2015, and have been involved with national guidelines for highly contagious infectious disease, including PPE. I studied medicine at St Andrews and then the University of Manchester. He completed his diploma in Tropical medicine and Hygiene at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in 1997. I became an MD of the University of Liverpool in 2010.I am currently an RCP Regional Adviser for Mersey region. I teach undergraduate, post graduate and at LSTM. I have spent over 4 years working in Zambia and Malawi. I have over 50 publications as well as book chapters, and continue to undertake research, specific interests relate to HIV and diarrhoea in resource poor settings.

I undertake formal lecturing at the Tropical School for DTM&H and Travel and expedition medicine, and Tropical Masters courses. (I lecture and supervise seminars in 7 separate tropical and infection specialities twice yearly)

Subjects include:

Returned Travellers
HIV seminars
Travel Medicine

I have and continue to be involved with various research projects, dating back to my MD and before.