Joe is a consultant in Infectious Diseases whose research uses techniques like mathematical modelling and genomics to tackle the problem of antimicrobial resistance.
He studied natural sciences at Clare College, Cambridge, before postgraduate medicine at St George's, University of London and clinical postrgraduate training in London and Liverpool. He completed his PhD in 2019, a Wellcome clinical PhD fellowship in Blantyre, Malawi; this explored the causes of severe febrile inllness in adults and the consequences of antimicrobial exposure in driving antimicrobial resistance in sepsis survivors. He took up a role as senior lecturer at LSTM in 2024, and combines his research with clinical duties in the NHS.
Ongoing research includes understanding the transmission routes of resistant Enterobacterales bacteria in a variety of settings including in Merseyside, Malawi, and Indonesia; developing genomic and computational methods to define within-person diversity of bacteria at scale, and to use these data to inform transmission modelling; and understanding the determinants of antimicrobial-resistant infection including socioeconomic factors.