Inspiring and exciting science communication, global health, microbiology, and teaching.
I studied for a BSc. and MSc. in Applied Microbiology and Medical Microbiology, respectively; and completed my PhD in human embryonic stem cell differentiation at the University of Manchester.
My first post-doctoral position, at the University of Liverpool, involved modelling Pseudomonas aeruginosa population responses to antimicrobial challenges in the cystic fibrosis lung. I was awarded a FEMS research fellowship to complete a project at the University of Siena in Italy, and then held a second post-doctoral position at the University of Liverpool where I studied the ecology of Campylobacter spp. in the poultry farm environment. Additionally, I have taught bacterial pathogenicity to both veterinary science and postgraduate students, facilitated problem-based learning modules, and supervised Nuffield students whilst at the University of Liverpool.
I became passionate about science communication and public engagement after spending time teaching students, visiting schools to talk about my research, and designing and implementing museum and festival exhibits, most notably the BBSRC-funded exhibit A Twisted Bug’s Life at the Great British Bioscience Festival:
Other relevant expertise, professional memberships etc.:
I am an Associate of the Higher Education Academy and a STEM Ambassador (